Advanced Portfolio Analytics Library .NET
If you would like to evaluate whether the add-In works on your particular system, you can run the trial version which is available for download below.
The trial version is based exactly on the same technology as ApaLibNET. The trial version comes with four test functions only, not with the actual function library.
Despite the fact that there are no reported compatibility issues, we recommend testing the trial version first in complex system environments; we do not refund software purchases.
After completing and submitting the information below, you will receive the trial version as a zip attachment (approx. 500KB) in an email. Make sure that you do not block emails from our domain www.andreassteiner.net or emails containing zip attachments! In addition, please make sure your computing environment fullfills the system requirements.
The installer of the current version is not compatible with ARM / Snapdragon environments. A fully compatible version will be uploaded soon.
We do not provide support for the trial version: Not being able to download or run the trial version is due to issues in your computing environment. Please review the system requirements and adjust your systems accordingly. We do not reply to emails referring to issues with the trial version.